Enneagram 2 Instinctual Variants (Subtypes)

Enneagram 2 Instinctual Variants (Subtypes)

The three Enneagram 2 instinctual variants, or subtypes are Self-Preservation, Social, and Sexual (also called One-to-One). Each variant manifests differently in Type 2 individuals, shaping their behaviors and relationships. If you’ve got any questions or comments, let us know in the comment section below! Self-Preservation Type 2 (2sp) Self-preservation 2s are warm and nurturing and…

Enneagram 2 In Stress

Enneagram 2 In Stress

Enneagram Type 2s are caring and generous people who love to support others. But when they’re stressed, they can face challenges that affect themselves and their relationships. For Type 2s, the stress response moves towards the negative aspects of Type 8, The Challenger. I highly recommend working out your subtypeIf you’re a Type 2, discovering…

Intimacy 2 (2sx) and Intimacy 9 (9sx)Relationship

Intimacy 2 (2sx) and Intimacy 9 (9sx)Relationship

I think it’s very important to know your Enneagram variant to truly understand the dynamics of a relationship. Variants—self-preservation, social, and intimacy—add a nuanced layer to each type, shaping their motivations, priorities, and interactions in unique ways. At their best, intimacy 9s (9SX) and intimacy 2s (2SX) create a relationship that feels like a safe…

Self Preservative 2 and Self Preservative 3 Relationship
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Self Preservative 2 and Self Preservative 3 Relationship

I think it’s very important to know your Enneagram variant to truly understand the dynamics of a relationship. Variants—self-preservation, social, and intimacy—add a nuanced layer to each type, shaping their motivations, priorities, and interactions in unique ways. An Enneagram Type 2SP and Type 3SP relationship is a vibrant pairing. On an individual level and collectively,…