Enneagram 4 Subtypes

Enneagram 4 Subtypes

The three Enneagram 4 subtypes or instinctual variants are Self-Preservation, Social, and Sexual (also called One-to-One). Each variant shows differently in Type 4 individuals. If you’ve got any questions or comments, let me know in the comment section below! Self-Preservation Type 4 (4sp) The Self-Preservation subtype of Enneagram Type Four is focused mainly on maintaining personal stability…

Enneagram 4 Relationship Problems

Enneagram 4 Relationship Problems

Type 4s are sensitive people known for their creativity and emotional sensitivity. They have a wonderful ability to see and appreciate beautiful things that others might overlook. But like all Enneagram types, type 4s face specific challenges when navigating relationships whether they’re romantic, family, or even relationships with their own emotions. An essential aspect of the…